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Fold7 win Gold at the Marketing Week Awards Coppafeel campaign - 'The Chest Checklist' in the for Diversity & Inclusion category.
Marketing Week Awards Gold Winners 2024 | Diversity & Inclusion | Fold7
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Fold7 win Gold at the Marketing Week Awards for Diversity and Inclusion

We’re incredibly excited to announce that we have won Gold for Diversity and Inclusion in Marketing at this year’s Marketing Week Awards for our ‘The Chest Checklist’ campaign for Coppafeel!

Born out of the insight that 96% of Black women feel unrepresented in breast cancer awareness communications, we developed a campaign to engage young Black women through casting, styling, music, and showing breast checking, offering an informative social-first tool, highlighting breast cancer symptoms and demonstrating self-examination on Black skin.

The award recognises brands that champion diversity and inclusivity in their marketing. Entries included new product launches, advertising campaigns, and internal brand campaigns. Calls for entries included marketing in all areas of diversity and inclusivity, from acknowledging products that benefit disabled consumers to campaigns that reflect society’s diversity. 

Marketing Week stated “The winning entry will show clearly how effective their efforts where in driving change.”

From the strategy behind the campaign, all the way through to inclusivity in the production (Somesuch) and post production, the campaign truly encompassed what it means to be inclusive - all whilst doing the incredibly important job of getting people, specifically young Black women, to check their chests!

You can find a summary of our entry below

CoppaFeel! aim to get more young women checking for early signs of breast cancer by raising awareness of how to recognise symptoms.

Working with Black Women Rising, they looked to address the fact that Black women are more likely to be diagnosed with advanced breast cancers.

Many interrelated factors drive this disparity, compounded by the fact that 96% of Black women feel unrepresented in breast cancer awareness communications.

To address this issue, we developed a campaign to engage young Black women through casting, styling, music, and showing breast checking within the context of Black self-care routines.

The 'Chest Checklist’ offers an informative social-first tool, highlighting breast cancer symptoms and demonstrating self-examination on Black skin. 

Results showed increased awareness, widespread engagement with target audiences and, most importantly, increased chest checking, emphasising the value of channel-specific content and representation in awareness communications.

Check out the campaign here.

Congratulations to all of the team and our partners involved!

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