Our founder and CCO, Ryan Newey, has been named by Campaign UK as on the top 20 creative leaders for 2024
The piece, first featured in Campaign UK, highlights the top 20 creative leaders across 2024.
This year Newey and Dave Billing, the executive creative director, helped launch Audible’s first global campaign, which explored how the online audiobook and podcast service can immerse people in different worlds. Different TV and film genres inspired each story, from a detective drama being flooded with bath water to sci-fi fantasy characters being sucked up by a vacuum cleaner. Another global campaign was in the shape of Carlsberg’s “The best things come to the curious”, which transported viewers through different time periods, and showed the impact that curiosity can have – and made Campaign’s Top film ads list. The shop also created a children’s book about the power of creativity and unveiled a brand platform "Eat avec respect" for bakery St Pierre.
On the news Ryan said, "I'm very proud to see Fold7 recognised for its outstanding work. Thank you Campaign UK for appreciating our vision. A special doff of my cap to our most excellent Dave Billing and the wider team who make it all happen. We've had a great year and long may it continue."
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